The story of John Dean
The Youngest child ever legally executed in England
Around 82 years and 9 months after the execution of Alice, and 135 miles away in the town of Windsor, Berkshire, a fire spread across two barns during the reign of Charles I.
Subsequently much like Alice for reasons unknown, John Dean was accused. What we do know for sure unlike in the case of Alice, is what his accused crime was.
The same day as his arrest, the boy, aged 8 or 9 years of age at the time, was tried and sentenced to hang.
During sentencing, the judge described John as having shown "Malice, Revenge, Craft and Cunning".
Whilst Alice remains the youngest known girl to ever be legally executed in England, John Dean is the youngest. Our work is in dedication to Alice, but we feel it would be unfair to not write about John.