Interesting facts during Alice's time
We have compiled a bunch of interesting facts about life during the time of Alice Glaston.
Which of these do you think were the most common drinks for poor families in Alice's time?
A. Water B. Milk C. Beer D. Wine?

The answer is...
C - Beer
Water simply wasn't practical as often it was deeply contaminated and deadly. Beer on the other hand was brewed and was a safe option. And guess what, our Alice likely drank beer all of the time. Because this wasn't just something we adults drank, it was the children too. However, don't expect to get easily drunk on this beverage. It wasn't hugely alcaholic.
So what did poor Tudor families eat?

No supermarket giants in the 1540's I'm afraid. We sometimes have images of the Tudors around great banquets tables, surrounded by all manner of meats, fruits and vegetables, the kind that would have many of us today licking our lips. Unfortunately that was not the reality for most people during these times, let alone poorer, rural communities such as that in Alice's Little Wenlock. But with rural living, comes rural produce.
Families would have eaten what ever they could grow. But amongst the most common foods were Rye Bread, fruits, vegetables, and pottage (a soup/stew type concoction).
What did Tudors sleep on?

After reading this, you will massively appreciate your 21st century bed. That's because in Alice's time, the poor folks designed furniture for practicality. Comfort... forget about that idea.
Beds generally were constructed using English Oak, consisting of boards, usually mounted on tree stumps, and topped with straw mattresses.
Cutlery: What did Tudors use to eat with?

During Alice's time, cutlery was not the same as it is now. For one, people would have used their fingers to eat most meals. They would have had a knife to cut food, and a spoon for food that couldn't be eaten using just hands, but forks... what forks? What is a fork?... Alice probably never saw a fork. They didn't become a serious eating tool until much later.